Designing Effective Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Aligning the Global Trade and Climate Change Regimes

August 2024
ELR 10686
Goran Dominioni and Daniel C. Esty

This Article, which is adapted from Goran Dominioni & Daniel C. Esty, Designing Effective Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Aligning the Global Trade and Climate Change Regimes, 65 Ariz. L. Rev. 1 (2023), proposes a taxonomy of approaches to comparing climate policies implemented in the importing and the exporting countries and analyzes their relative strengths.

Goran Dominioni is Assistant Professor in Climate Change Law at the School of Law and Government of Dublin City University. Daniel C. Esty is the Hillhouse Professor at Yale University with primary appointments in the Law and Environment Schools and secondary appointments in the Management and Global Affairs Schools. He also serves as director of the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and co-director of the Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance. He spent 2022-2023 on public service leave from Yale at the World Trade Organization in Geneva.

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