A Decade of Superfund Litigation: CERCLA Case Law From 1981-1991

July 1991
ELR 10367
David E. Jones, Kyle E. McSlarrow, and Eric J. Murdock

Editors' Summary: Much has happened since the authors published their initial survey of CERCLA case law in the October 1989 issue of ELR. EPA issued substantial revisions to the NCP in March 1990. In November 1990, Congress reauthorized the Superfund for three more years. And, of course, there have been new cases. A glance at the number of cases cited in the footnotes of this Article will give the reader an idea of the volume of CERCLA case law. The authors have bravely confronted the new cases and have produced a summary of the decade of CERCLA case law.

Mr. McSlarrow and Mr. Murdock are attorneys with Hunton & Williams in Washington, D.C., and engage in Superfund litigation and environmental transactional practices. Mr. Jones is Assistant to the General Counsel of the Army, and has principal responsibility for the oversight of Army environmental legal policy.

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