Dealing With Risk . . . : (Panel Discussion IV)

August 1986
ELR 10223
George Freeman, David Doniger, Philip T. Cummings, and Phillip D. Reed

GEORGE FREEMAN: This morning, it was noted that longevity has improved substantially over the past decade. As a whole, prople in this country are much better off than they were a century ago.

This fact tells us that the net effect of our increasingly complex industrial society has been more beneficial than detrimental. If we were to examine the roles of the private and public sector in bringing about this effect, I think we would see that the private sector has contributed more to the net result than has the government.

GEORGE FREEMAN, Esq., Hunton & Williams, Richmond, VA.

DAVID DONIGER, Esq., Senior Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, D.C.

PHILIP T. CUMMINGS, Esq., Minority Counsel, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Washington, D.C.

PHILLIP D. REED, Esq., Moderator, Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Law Reporter, Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.

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