Conservative Judicial Activism and the Environment: An Assessment of the Threat

July 2002
ELR 10835
Douglas T. Kendall, Timothy J. Dowling, Sharon Buccino and Elaine Weiss


Our nation's environmental protections constitute one of this country's most significant accomplishments of the second half of the 20th century. Through years of effort, visionary leaders and environmental activists have successfully translated public support for protecting natural resources—our air, water, and land—into effective and far-reaching legislation. Enjoying widespread popular support and bipartisan endorsement in the U.S. Congress, these statutes have been strengthened in both Republican and Democratic administrations, and they have survived repeated, industry-funded rollback attempts.

These protections now face a serious challenge in an unlikely venue: our nation's federal courts. A group of highly ideological and activist sitting judges are already threatening the very core of environmental law. New appointees to the bench could transform this threat into a death sentence for many environmental protections. In the last decade, judges have imposed a gauntlet of new hurdles in the path of environmental regulators, slammed the courthouse doors in the face of citizens seeking to protect the environment, and sketched the outline of a jurisprudence of "economic liberties" under the Takings Clause1 and the U.S. Commerce2 Clause of the U.S. Constitution that would frustrate or repeal most federal environmental statutes.

Douglas Kendall is the Executive Director of the Community Rights Counsel (CRC). Timothy Dowling is the CRC's chief counsel. Sharon Buccino is a senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (NRDC). Elaine Weiss is the Dorut Foundation Fellow for the Judicial Selection Project at the Alliance for Justice. This Dialogue is an expanded and modified version of an earlier report jointly produced by Alliance for Justice, CRC, and NRDC entitled Hostile Environment: How Activist Federal Judges Threaten Our Air, Land, and Water.

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