Congress in 1984: A Mixed Bag
Editors' Summary: This Comment surveys the environmental activity of the second session of the 98th Congress. The most important environmental product of that session is a tough new set of RCRA amendments. Otherwise, Congress, especially the Senate, found itself in a sort of gridlock on the big pollution control reauthorizations. Congress did pass a number of other environmental bills, including a whole raft of wilderness bills. The president signed all but two, which would have reauthorized the Equal Access to Justice Act and created an American Conservation Corps. Congress exhibited a profound distrust of President Reagan's environmental administration and continued to put substantial energy into oversight. This year, unlike last, that oversight tended to take the form of statutory enactments, such as the strict hammer provision in the RCRA amendments, rather than simply resolutions denouncing this or that. It may be that the institutional energy drain caused by these oversight activities is part of what is keeping environmental bills from moving more quickly.