Comment Two on A Framework Convention for Nanotechnology?

August 2008
ELR 10520
Brent Blackwelder

Given the fact that nano particles are in more than 600 consumer products and that most recently, nano particles are being put in food, food packaging, and agricultural chemicals, Friends of the Earth believes it essential that a moratorium be immediately instituted in the United States and worldwide to stop this practice until some appropriate regulatory regime can be put in place. As the world's largest reinsurance company, Swiss Re, noted in its seminal report on nanotechnology, industrialized nations had learned little 100 years after the dangers of asbestos were known. Swiss Re branded nanotechnology as uninsurable under the current mad scramble to develop consumer applications.

Together, the proliferation of consumer products with nano materials and the lack of labeling mean the destruction of any control group in the United States. Just as with unlabeled genetically engineered foods, it is not possible to know with any food illness or allergy whether genetically engineered ingredients were contributing. So now with nano particles, it will generally not be possible to tell who has consumed nano particles or been exposed to them in their home. Thus, any illness could not be ascribed to such nano material.

Brent Blackwelder is President of Friends of the Earth.
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