Collaborative Problem-Solving: An Option for Preventing and Resolving Environmental Conflicts

June 2006
ELR 10440
Barry E. Hill, Nicholas Targ

Editor's Summary: Resolving environmental disputes through litigation can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly for community groups and nongovernmental organizations. Moreover, the end results are often disappointing for all of the parties involved. Not surprisingly, collaborative problem-solving is becoming an attractive alternative to traditional methods of dispute resolution. After providing background on the regulatory climate that led to the increased use of negotiation techniques, Barry Hill and Nicholas Targ examine the keys to successful collaborative problem-solving. They then demonstrate how this tool has benefited industry, the community, and the government, using case studies from real-life environmental justice disputes.

Barry E. Hill is the Director of the Office of Environmental Justice of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is an adjunct professor at Vermont Law School. Nicholas Targ is the Associate Director for Environmental Justice Integration at the Office of Environmental Justice and is an adjunct professor at the Howard University School of Law. The views expressed in this Article are solely those of the authors. No official support or endorsement by EPA or any other agency of the federal government is intended or should be inferred.
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Collaborative Problem-Solving: An Option for Preventing and Resolving Environmental Conflicts

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