Codifying Basel Convention Obligations Into U.S. Law: The Waste Export Control Act
Editors' Summary: Reauthorization of RCRA will be a top priority for the 102nd Congress. Among the key issues will be reforming U.S. hazardous waste export controls and making them consistent with the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal. A bill to achieve these goals, the Waste Export Control Act (WECA), was extensively debated in the 101st Congress and is expected to be reintroduced in the 102nd Congress as part of the RCRA reauthorization package. This Article reviews existing U.S. controls on hazardous waste exports and the scope of the U.S. exports to Canada, Mexico, and developing countries. The author also analyzes the provisions of WECA, including the wastes it covers, the Act's effect on bilateral agreements with Canada and Mexico, its permit system, and its treatment standards.