Climate Compliance Versus Action 2023

June 2023
ELR 10435
Madison Calhoun, Bill Caplan, Chris Kardish, Keith Killpack, Fatou Jabbie, and Ken Berlin

The Inflation Reduction Act and Federal Buy Clean Initiative have each inspired states and municipalities to regulate embodied carbon (Scope 3) using “Buy Clean” policies and legislation. Reducing embodied carbon has become mainstream, and environmental product declarations (EPDs) have surfaced as the tool. Are EPDs alone enough? Is the compliance timeline sufficient? On February 1, 2023, the Environmental Law Institute hosted a panel of experts that provided an update on Buy Clean policy, green funding, the status of carbon emissions, and a primer on EPDs. Below, we present a transcript of that discussion, which has been edited for style, clarity, and space considerations.

Madison Calhoun is Senior Manager of Educational Programs at the Environmental Law Institute. Bill Caplan (moderator/presenter) is the author of Thwart Climate Change Now: Reducing Embodied Carbon Brick by Brick. Chris Kardish is an Industrial Fellow at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Keith Killpack is Technical Director of Environmental Certification Services at SCS Global Services. Fatou Jabbie is Chief Executive Officer and Founder of USL Technology Inc. Ken Berlin is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center.

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