Chemical Regulation: Preparing to Address the Challenges Ahead

January 2009
ELR 10029
Lynn L. Bergeson

Editors' Summary: There are increasing calls for significant reform of how chemicals are regulated in the United States. The advent of the European Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals system, rapid commercialization of nano-enabled products, increased consumer awareness, and proliferation of retailer initiatives have all fundamentally changed the chemical regulatory landscape. In order to navigate this new territory and to make any reforms meaningful, it is vital to understand the implications of both global and domestic chemical management programs, educate congressional staff about chemical management, and identify and agree to common principles upon which any reform efforts should be based.

Lynn L. Bergeson is the Managing Director of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., a Washington, D.C., law firm focusing on chemical, pesticide, and other specialty chemical product approval and regulation, environmental, health, and safety law, chemical product litigation, and associated business issues. The views expressed in this Article are entirely those of the author.
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Chemical Regulation: Preparing to Address the Challenges Ahead

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