CEQ Issues Revised NEPA Guidelines
The Council on Environmental Quality published final guidelines for the preparation of environmental impact statements in the Federal Register on August 1, 1973.1 These guidelines are reprinted in ELR at 46003, and are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Chapter V, Part 1500. All federal agencies and departments are required to prepare their own NEPA procedures in accordance with these guidelines within 180 days.
ELR subscribers were sent copies of the draft guidelines in the April mailing and were informed of the highlights of the proposed revisions in the May issue.2 It has been the policy and practice of ELR to publish all available agency NEPA procedures and guidelines since the commencement of the Act's implementation. The complete listing, now in the Table of Contents to the Statutory and Administrative Materials tabular section, will be revised as the agencies take steps to put the new guidelines into effect.