The Case for a New American Environmentalism

January 2009
ELR 10066
James Gustave Speth

A specter is haunting American environmentalism--the specter of failure.

All of us who have been part of the environmental movement in the United States must now face up to a deeply troubling paradox: Our environmental organizations have grown in strength and sophistication, but the environment has continued to go downhill, to the point that the prospect of a ruined planet is now very real. How could this have happened?

Before addressing this question and what can be done to correct it, two points must be made. First, one shudders to think what the world would look like today without the efforts of environmental groups and their hard-won victories in recent decades. However serious our environmental challenges, they would be much more so had not these people taken a stand in countless ways. And second, despite their limitations, the approaches of modern-day environmentalism remain essential. Right now, they are the tools readily at hand with which to address many pressing problems, including global warming and climate disruption. Despite the critique of American environmentalism that follows, these points remain valid.

James Gustave Speth is dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and the author of The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing From Crisis to Sustainability, from which this Article is adapted. It originally appeared in Yale Environment 360 (
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