Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Practice
John Pendergrass: Our excellent faculty today includes Dina Kruger, director of the Climate Change Division of the Office of Atmospheric Programs at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Kipp Coddington, a partner with Mowrey Meezan Coddington Cloud LLP; and Russ LaMotte, a partner with Beveridge & Diamond PC.
I. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Initiatives
Dina Kruger: It's my pleasure to join you this afternoon and give you an overview of the work that we've got underway at EPA that may have some bearing on future carbon sequestration. First, I want to talk about the greenhouse gas (GHG) mandatory reporting rule that we finalized at the end of last year. We started implementing the monitoring portion of that program this year. I also want to touch on some of the other Clean Air Act (CAA) actions that EPA has taken, final or proposed, and a little bit about how carbon capture and storage (CCS) could relate to some of those, and then close by talking about the Underground Injection Control Program that's operated by the Office of Water.