The Biomass Crop Assistance Program: Orchestrating the Federal Government's First Significant Step to Incentivize Biomass Production for Renewable Energy

January 2010
ELR 10066
Jody M. Endres, Timothy A. Slating, Christopher J. Miller

Editors' Summary

Rapidly emerging renewable energy legislation in the United States will create unprecedented demand for biomass feedstock. In 2008, Congress created the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). Program implementation, however, has been fraught with delays. USDA has yet to designate project areas that govern establishment and annual production payments, the newly issued draft EIS leaves some important questions unanswered, and the federal government lacks an integrated biomass deployment strategy. Only timely and thoughtful deployment of BCAP funding, coupled with a coordinated federal strategy, will secure the commercialization of biomass so critical to America's future renewable energy needs.

Jody M. Endres is Senior Regulatory Associate, Energy Biosciences Institute, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Timothy A. Slating and Christopher J. Miller are Research Assistants, Energy Biosciences Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and J.D. Candidates 2010, University of Illinois College of Law.
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