Beyond Mitigation—Restoring Federally Damaged Salmon Runs Under the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

January 1984
ELR 10011
Michael C. Blumm

Editors' Summary: Federal resource development projects often ignore and sometimes even degrade fish and wildlife resources. In the Columbia Basin, for example, federal dams have severely reduced salmon populations by destroying spawning habitats and impeding migration. A novel fish and wildlife program developed under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Planning Conservation Act will go far to redress the injury to fish runs. Mr. Blumm discusses the Act and the fish and wildlife program, which may serve as models for wildlife enhancement programs in other regions of the country.

Mr. Blumm, an Associate Professor at Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, received a B.A. from Williams College and J.D. and LL.M. degrees from George Washington University. Since 1979, his research on legal issues affecting the restoration of Columbia Basin anadromous fish runs has been supported by the Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program, under grants from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The views expressed here are Professor Blumm's alone—they do not represent the views of NOAA or the U.S. government.

This article was adapted, with permission, from an article published in the Fall 1983 Commentary section of the Western Natural Resource Lititgation Digest. Copyright 1983, Western Natural Resource Lititgation Digest.

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