In a divided opinion, a D.C. Circuit panel vacated FAA's and the National Park Service's plan governing tourist flights over four national parks in California, and also ruled that CEQ lacked the authority to issue regulations binding on other federal agencies.
A district court dismissed a trade group's lawsuit challenging NMFS' implementation of an amendment to the groundfish fishery management plan that changed how the halibut bycatch limit is set for fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.
The November issue of ELR—The Environmental Law Reporter features articles on understanding stringent due diligence in the ITLOS advisory opinion on climate change, the potential impact of the demise of Chevron deference on the environment and the health of residents of communities disproportionately affected by “cumulative impacts”, local opposition to renewable energy projects, and failure-to-adapt climate litigation. The issue also includes a transcript from a recent webinar on the environmental justice implications of PFAS.
Using the “migration with dignity” framework, this Comment offers recommendations to diminish the vulnerability of coastal communities in two climate migration case studies in the United States.