3 ELR 10133 | Environmental Law Reporter | copyright © 1973 | All rights reserved
New Cases Filed Under the Clean Air Act, through June 30, 1973
[3 ELR 10133]
(See Comment, Litigation Under the Clean Air Act, 3 ELR 10007, and Tables at 3 ELR 10022, 10090.)
Plaintiff | Court and | Date |
Petitioner | Docket # | Filed | Jurisdiction | Subject |
Arizona Public | PCT-73-282 | 5/4/73 | 28 U.S.C. | Suit for injunction, |
Service Co., | | 1331, 1332, | declaratory judgment and |
et al. v. | WPC, D.Ariz. | | 1337, 1361, | mandamus re March 23, 1973 |
Fri, et al. | | | 1391(e), | EPA regulations applicable |
| | | 1343(4), | to power plants in Arizona |
| | | 1651, 2201, | and New Mexico |
| | | 2202; 42 |
| | | U.S.C. 1857; |
| | | 5 U.S.C. |
| | | 702-703, 706 |
Environmental | 73-1508 | 5/7/73 | § 307(b)(1) | Petition for review of |
Defense Fund, | D.C. Cir. | | | hazardous pollutants stand- |
et al. v. Fri. | | | | ards promulgated April 6, |
| | | | 1973-§ 112 |
Atlantic | 73-1529 | 5/11/73 | § 307(b) | Petition for review of lead |
Richfield Co. | D.C. Cir. | | | in fuel regulations pro- |
v. EPA and Fri | | | | mulgated on January 10, |
| | | | 1973-§ 211 |
Gulf Oil Corp. | 73-1512 | 5/8/73 | § 307(b) | Petition for review of lead |
v. EPA | D.C. Cir. | | | in fuel regulations pro- |
| | | | mulgated on January 10, |
| | | | 1973-§ 211 |
Natural | 73-1274 | 4/25/73 | § 307(b)(1) | Review of July 27 extension |
Resources | 10th Cir. | | | of time for attainment of |
Defense | | | | standards in Utah-§ 110 |
Council, Inc. |
v. EPA |
Indiana & | 73-1512 | 6/12/73 | § 307(b)(1) | Review of May 14, 1973 |
Michigan | 7th Cir. | | | approval and promulgation |
Electric Co., | | | | of Indiana implementation |
et al. v. EPA | | | | plan provisions-§ 110 |
Kennecott | 73-1386 | 6/12/73 | § 307(b)(1) | Review of May 14, 1973 |
Copper Corp. | 10th Cir. | | | promulgation of portions of |
v. EPA | | | | Utah implementation |
| | | | plan-§ 110. |
United States | 73-1385 | 6/12/73 | § 307(b)(1) | Review of May 14, 1973 |
Steel Corp. | 10th Cir. | | | promulgation of portions of |
v. EPA | | | | Utah implementation |
| | | | plan-§ 110 |
The Detroit | 73-1552 | 6/11/73 | § 307(b) | Review of May 14, 1973 |
Edison Co. | 6th Cir. | | | promulgation of portion of |
v. EPA | 6th Cir. | | | Michigan implementation |
| | | | plan |
Sierra Club, | DC-4750 | 2/8/73 | § 304 | Suit to compel publication |
et al. v. | D-Colo. | | | of Administrator's findings |
Morton, et al. | | | | that power plant is |
| | | | environmentally |
| | | | unsatisfactory under |
| | | | NEPA-§ 309 |
Towns of | 73-1502 | 5/4/73 | § 307 | Petition for review of |
Cambridge, | D.C. Cir. | | | hazardous pollutant stand- |
et al. v. Fri. | | | | ards promulgated 4/16/73-§ 112 |
Oljato Chapter | 1038-73 | 6/25/73 | § 304 | Action to compel revision |
of the Navajo | D.D.C. | | | of new source performance |
Tribe, et al. | | | | standard for coal fired |
v. Fri | | | | power plants-§ 111 |
Dare Wrecking | 73-1686 | 6/18/73 | § 307 | Petition to review April 6 |
Co. v. EPA | D.C. Cir. | | | promulgation of new source |
| | | | performance standards for |
| | | | asbestoa-§ 111 |
3 ELR 10133 | Environmental Law Reporter | copyright © 1973 | All rights reserved