International Update Volume 47, Issue 8

<p>Last week, Ibama, Brazil’s federal environmental agency, launched Sinaflor, a database to track timber from the Amazon rainforest throughout the supply chain. The system requires individual trees to be electronically tagged and tracked as the timber moves from source to sale and allows regulators to crosscheck the database with satellite mapping. Any timber not in the system will be deemed illegal. The new system was developed as a result of the 2012 forest code, and addresses problems of fraud and human error that were points of criticism for the older system.


<p><a href=" green-groups-go-court-over-freedom-information">Two months ago</a> Forest Watch Indonesia took a freedom of information request to that coutnry's Supreme Court in order to better monitor for illegal activity.


<p>Though having no elephants, Europe is responsible for exporting the most raw and carved ivory to the world. Despite bans on international ivory trade since 1990, European vendors had received an exemption to export ivory “harvested” before the international regulations went into place. However, falsified records allowed illegally collected ivory into the market; 2016 was another record year of ivory seizures across the continent.