7 ELR 10195 | Environmental Law Reporter | copyright © 1977 | All rights reserved
Indefinite Ban Against Concorde Landings at New York Airport Overturned as Unreasonable
[7 ELR 10195]
On August 17, the federal district court in New York enjoined1 the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from banning test flights of the Concorde SST into John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport because of the plane's noise impacts after finding the ban to be an unreasonable exercise of the proprietary powers of airport owners. This decision, along with an earlier Second Circuit ruling remanding2 the case to the district court for a factual determination as to whether the ban constituted an unreasonable burden on interstate commerce, adds an interesting gloss limiting the proprietary regulatory powers implicitly left to municipal airport operators in the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in City of Burbank v. Lockheed Air Terminal.3
Concorde Approved for U.S. Service
In early 1976, Transportation Secretary William Coleman approved operation of the Concorde in the United States for a 16-month trial period at Washington, D.C.'s Dulles International and New York's JEK Airports.4 The decision could be immediately implemented only at Dulles because it is a federal facility, and the Concorde began limited daily operations there on May 24, 1976. To the Anglo-French consortium that built the Concorde, however, the New York-to-Europe route has always been the key to commercial success. Nonetheless, the Port Authority, as proprietor of JFK Airport, refused to allow Concorde operations pending studies of the environmental impacts of the noise emitted by the plane.
This past spring, a federal district court in New York held,5 in a suit brought by the French and British air carriers against the Port Authority, that the Port Authority's ban was unconstitutional, particularly in light of the federal government's decision to allow a trial period, because the federal government had preempted the field of aircraft noise regulation for the purpose of developing uniform standards applicable to all aircraft operating in the United States. A month later, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals summarily rejected6 the preemption argument in reversing the district court. Secretary Coleman's decision explicitly indicated that the Port Authority could exercise its proprietary right to refuse landing rights to the Concorde based on reasonable noise regulations. Acknowledging the brief submitted by the United States as amicus curiae, the court reiterated the traditional federal policy of refusing to preempt the local airport operator's responsibility for establishing permissible noise levels.7 The court, however, held this proprietary right subject to the limitation that the proprietor's actions must not impose an unreasonable and discriminatory burden on interstate and foreign commerce. The lower court, therefore, was directed to hold an evidentiary hearing as to the reasonableness of the Port Authority's continued ban on Concorde operations at JFK.
Ban Held Unreasonable
The district court found on remand that the Port Authority had in fact abused its rights as a proprietor by acting unreasonably in continuing to ban the Concorde. What noise studies the proprietor had undertaken failed to uncover new information that had not been dealt with in prior studies, and the Port Authority indicated an unwillingness to resolve the environmental questions by maintaining that further studies of indefinite duration would also be needed. Because this delay was unjustified, the Concorde had been deprivated of the opportunity to show that it is environmentally acceptable at JFK. The ban was therefore discriminatory and unreasonable and had to be invalidated.
When the Supreme Court, in its famous footnote 14 to the Burbank case, the seminal decision on federal preemption of aircraft noise regulation, refused to consider the limits, "if any," to the proprietary powers of municipal airport operators, the door was left open for lower courts to try their hands at shaping the parameters. Two California federal district courts upheld noise exposure standards for areas surrounding airports as a proper exercise ofthe operator's proprietary power, but they ruled that regulations aimed directly at in-flight noise were an impermissible exercise of the police power and blocked by federal preemption.8
A different view of airport noise regulation has emerged from a California state court9 that found the distinction between proprietary and police powers illusory. To that court, the important element is not so much the name of the power used as the effect on the thing regulated. If an airport proprietor cannot regulate in-flight operations but can prevent a plane from using its property, the effect still could be to create patchwork noise standards that discriminate against certain types of aircraft. But this is precisely the kind of authority Congress intended to reserve to localities. While national interests require uniform design and operating standards [7 ELR 10196] for all aircraft, an airport proprietor still must be able to control the types of activities that can take place at the airport because it is the proprietor, not the federal government, that is liable to pay compensation to surrounding landowners for any property loss occasioned by airport operations.10
Expected federal noise regulations for supersonic aircraft,11 based on the experience of Concorde operations at Dulles, may keep the airplane out of United States airspace altogether, but they are more likely to condone continued limited operations. Not unmindful of the enormous financial stake of the British and French in the success of the plane, the federal government may decide that limited operations of the Concorde do not have a substantially more detrimental effect than do present aircraft noise patterns. If this is the case, the stage will again be set for the Port Authority to exercise its proprietary powers by deciding whether the Concorde shall be allowed to use JFK Airport. The Port Authority may, however, simply continue to waffle and let the courts impose the politically unpopular Concorde on the airport.
While local airport proprietory continue to possess the theoretical authority to close their airfields to especially noisy planes, the Port Authority in the Concorde case, rather than using this power to make a final determination, opted for a strategy of delay by imposing an indefinite ban pending unspecified studies. Since the district court saw this delay as a ruse and overturned it as unjustified on that basis, the decision does not provide definitive guidance as to how the reasonableness of a full exercise of this power will be determined in the future. Assuming the district court's decision is upheld on appeal, the Concorde would be allowed at least a 16-month test period at JFK. It is still not clear, however, whether it would be within the standard of reasonableness for the Port Authority to ban permanent Concorde operations under its proprietary power with stronger noise study evidence to support such action.
1. British Airways Bd. v. Port Authority, __ F. Supp. __, 7 ELR 20648 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 17, 1977).
2. British Airways Bd. v. Port Authority, __ F.2d __, 7 ELR 20512 (2d Cir. June 14, 1977).
3. 411 U.S. 624, 3 ELR 20393 (1973).
4. See Comment, Much To Do About Concorde, 6 ELR 10072 (1976).
5. British Airways Bd. v. Port Authority, 431 F. Supp. 1216, 7 ELR 20447 (S.D.N.Y. May 11, 1977).
6. British Airways Bd. v. Port Authority, __ F.2d __, 7 ELR 20512 (2d Cir. June 14, 1977).
7. Brief for Amicus Curiae at 18, British Airways Bd. v. Port Authority, __ F.2d __, 7 ELR 20512 (2d Cir. June 14, 1977).
8. National Aviation Inc. v. City of Hayward, 418 F. Supp. 417, 6 ELR 20649 (N.D. Cal. 1976); Air Transport Ass'n v. Crotti, 389 F. Supp. 58, 5 ELR 20236 (N.D. Cal. 1975). See Comment, Airport Noise Regulation Reconsidered: The Footnote that May Swallow Burbank, 6 ELR 10203 (1976).
9. San Diego Unified Port District v. Superior Court, 67 Cal. App. 3d 361, 136 Cal. Rptr. 557, 7 ELR 20668 (Cal. Ct. App. Feb. 18, 1977), appeal docketed, Britt v. San Diego Unified Port District, No. 77-148 (U.S. July 27, 1977).
10. Griggs v. Allegheny County, 369 U.S. 84 (1962).
11. At press time, the Federal Aviation Administration was expected to issue noise regulations for SST airplanes by Sept. 24, 1977, the day the Concorde completes its 16-month trial period at Dulles Airport.
7 ELR 10195 | Environmental Law Reporter | copyright © 1977 | All rights reserved