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The “Perfect Storm” for Renewable Energy: Policy Drivers and Decisionmaking

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, AB 32, multiple memoranda of understanding, and recent Executive Orders have created a “perfect storm” of renewable energy policies, making California the hottest place for large-scale renewable energy development in the country. These policies and laws have inspired collaboration among multiple agencies, streamlined project review processes, and triggered substantial engagement from stakeholders throughout the state and country.

Nuts and Bolts of Technology: Closer Look at Utility-Scale Solar Power

Utility-scale solar power is coming into its own as various technologies compete for market share. On January 26, 2011, the Environmental Law Institute brought together a panel of experts to consider thermal and photovoltaic technologies. Among the issues discussed were permitting and siting on federal versus private lands, transmission, environmental impact considerations, and the potential for future growth in relation to other renewable energy sources.