International Update Volume 43, Issue 4

<p>Europe's MEPs voted to ban the discarding of healthy fish and to implement measures to protect endangered stocks in a series of sweeping reforms to the controversial EU Commons Fisheries Policy. A spokeswoman for the Greens said that the reforms would "finally put the EU's fisheries policy on a sustainable footing," as waste discards are estimated to account for a quarter of total catches under the current quota system.


<p>United Kingdom's nuclear giant Sellafield has pleaded guilty to sending nuclear waste to a landfill instead of a repository, as the cost of cleanup at the Sellafield facility reached nearly $107 billion with no end to the rise in sight. The nuclear power company admitted to sending four bags of radioactive waste to the wrong facility, blaming a new monitor that exempted the bags from strict controls by classifying them as "general" waste. All four bags were retrieved, and sentencing will take place March 8.


<p>A new report from the Environmental Investigation Agency suggests that 48 percent of timber sent to China from Mozambique's forest is illegal. The illicit logging, which the report blames on poor governance and widespread corruption, costs Mozambique $29 million in tax revenue.